How benefit business from sales funnel
How benefit business from sales funnel 

  • A Sales Funnel will increase your sales revenue  
Let’s say you have a report you sell for $17. You can sell it 300 times, so you would make $5100 in sales. But do you think some of them would also buy a related product for $37 or even $197? I bet some would! So it’s is actually crazy to not have a sales funnel in place for your online business. You don’t need all pages up and running from the beginning, but at least plan to have them. 
  • Using a Sales Funnel will increase your conversion rate 
While people are moving down your sales funnel, the number of them will decrease, but, and this is more important, the people staying in the funnel most likely are more willing to pay for your related more expensive products. So non targeted people will be filtered out in the sales funnel. And the ones who stay, will buy more, and this will increase your conversions! Focus your efforts on those people and give them what they need, and you will sell also high ticket products. 
  • A Sales Funnel can also help to predict your sales volume  
Online marketing is a numbers game. And with each marketing phase you can quantify the number of perspective customers, and then take the data to predict the percentage of people who will buy your products. As an example, let’s say Paul tracks his website traffic for 10 weeks and finds that he gets 10’000 visitors to his page each month. 40% of them sign up for the free offer (4000 subscribers), and 5% of them will purchase one or even more products. After some weeks Paul will have detailed stats about how many people buy at which stage in the sales funnel. And with those numbers Paul can predict how much money he can make with his sales funnel. 
  • A Sales Funnel will show you products/services that don’t sell  
With the numbers that Paul gets every month he can identify products or services that do not sell well. So he can make adjustments on his plan and products to improve it, or he can even take out or replace existing products. That’s why it’s always important to track everything you do in your funnel.

What is Sales Funnel?
What is Sales Funnel?

A Sales Funnel is a visual representation of the steps required to sell your products or services. A sales funnel should reveal how many prospects you have in each stage of your sales cycle, and also detail your conversion rates for each stage. Now what steps does your customers go through the sales funnel? Here’s 7 steps that they go through that I got from : Awareness: You make customers aware the you exist Education: Teach customers why they need your product Evaluation: Customer need to make figure out if product/service will benefit Engagement: Prospects got all information, now they need a nudge Commitment: Someone has committed to buying your product Purchase: You just made a sale LoyalFan/Repeat Customer: Trust is built and they become loyal/repeat customers.

Tools of Digital Marketing
Tools of Digital Marketing
Content Marketing   

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.  

What Should You Learn? 

 # Know Your Audience: 

For brands, knowing and understanding your audience will allow you to build the foundation of your content marketing strategy. To get that knowledge, here are a few tactics to use:
  •  Perform keyword research: Keyword research not only uncovers the search volume behind your most important keywords, but it can also offer insights into keyword opportunities and search intent. In addition, perform your own searches for various keywords and look through the results to see who’s ranking at the top.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis. Research your top three to five competitors through their website, social media pages, news articles and search results. How does your brand stack up?
  • Dig into data and analytics: Get familiar with your website’s analytics to gain insights about the users you’ve already managed to attract to your site. Look at the most popular pages, the pages with the highest bounce rate, and the pages with the best and worst conversion rates. 
# Strive to Be the Best Answer: 

For brands, being the best answer means providing relevant, quality content wherever and whenever their audience is searching for it. Use the research you’ve done to identify where those content opportunities lie. In addition, don’t be afraid to engage your existing audience. Use social media to pose questions or send out a current customer survey to get feedback and insight. The more you know, the better you’ll be at providing the right information. 

#Write for the Reader 

Content is organized to help readers easily flow through the article and photos are often used to add a visual element to the story. Long-form pieces are often broken down into sections with headers, which is more pleasing to the eye and helps with scanability. In addition, content is written in a way that tells a story—not in a way to please search engines.
For brands, the bottom line here is to create content that’s a good experience for your audience to read. SEO is important, but usability and user experience is more important. 

#Mind the “5Ws and H” 

Who, What, Where, When, Why and How—the 5 Ws and the H. These are the foundation of every article a journalist will ever write. And they can certainly be applied to your content marketing strategy. 

As you map out your strategy, ask the following questions for each piece you plan to create:
  •  Who is my audience?
  • What does my audience want to know?
  • Where am I going to publish and disseminate?
  • When am I going to publish and disseminate?
  • Why am I writing this? (Drive traffic? Increase brand awareness?)
  • How will I measure results?
#Follow the Story 

Brands should use their audience knowledge, keyword research, and their website data to hone in on their content strengths and opportunities. Choose a handful of topical areas to get started with—and create as much content around that topic as possible. This will allow you to begin showcasing yourself as an expert in specific areas and eventually you’ll be able to expand that to new areas. 

#Add Perspective 

The best news articles have a face and provide perspective. Journalists use people close to the story and expert sources to give their articles credibility and depth. Brands can do the same with their content by working with influencers. Influencers not only lend expertise and authority to content, but they can also help that content reach a larger audience. 

Don’t just reach out to your influencers in times of need. Engage with them on their social platforms. Share their content. Shoot them an email to check in. Just as a journalist works hard to build a network of credible sources, brands should remember that building a relationship with influencers is an ongoing journey and there needs to be value for everyone. 

Career Benefits of Content Marketing 

Most obviously, a marketer's career in content (or a content creator's career in marketing) can take the form of being a writer. You could establish yourself as a jack of all trades -- not a bad place to begin if you're just getting started and trying to find your super power -- but as your career progresses, you might consider specializing if you want to stay in a writing function. This specialty could take a few forms; here are some of the most popular: 
  • Short-Form Content: things like blog posts, tip sheets, copy for emails, newsletters
  • Long-Form Content: things like whitepapers, ebooks, or even real books (the ones you can hold in your hands ... or download on your tablet)
  • Content for an Industry or Persons: specializing in a certain audience, like the C-Suite, or analysts, or perhaps gaining expertise around a particular industry, like manufacturing, insurance, or pharma
  • Content Format Types: Carving out a niche in specific content format types, like ebooks and whitepapers, research reports, or webinars
Whether you choose to be a generalist or a specialist, focus on creating the highest quality content. While cranking out a high volume is certainly important -- dilly dallying around doesn't cut it when a bottom line is at stake -- it doesn't matter how much you create if the quality is poor. 

Introduction to Digital Marketing
Introduction to Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time. 

Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is, perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others include wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging, mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc. 

Why Digital Marketing Is Important? 

Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place they want it. Gone are the days when the messages people got about your products or services came from you and consisted of only what you wanted them to know. Digital media is an ever- growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. And they are more likely to believe them than you. People want brands they can trust, companies that know them, communications that are personalized and relevant, and offers tailored to their needs and preferences.