Introduce With Different Types of Content
Introduce With Different Types of Content 

If you are a small or medium sized business who feels overwhelmed with the content aspect of marketing, don’t worry, you and your website are probably already doing what we recommend: containing texts, images, testimonials or a newsletter.  

These are all different types of content marketing, however if you feel that they lack the relevancy for attracting in your customers than it’s worth noting why, and taking a fresh look at your business. 

By understanding your business objectives, discovering your exact target market, creating personas to match these, and publishing content you believe will retain and attract new customers, this is content marketing.
Not all types of content marketing are needed for your business, but some are essential. Here are the top: 

Content type #1: Infographics 

An infographic is the presentation of information or data in a visual way. Its name sums it up — info + graphic. 

Infographics get shared more, viewed more, and loved more than most other content types. They are a powerful way to get your information out there in an explosively visual format. One study found that infographics were liked and shared on social media up to three times more often than other content. The viral potential is there. 

Things to keep in mind
  • Infographics can be expensive. The amount cited above — a thousand dollars — is pretty close to the standard price.
  • Infographics used to go viral just by virtue of being an infographic. That doesn’t work anymore. Everyone is making infographics. Today, you have to make it really good to make it shareable.
  • Make a gifographic. Gifographics use the infographic model but feature animated gifs instead of the static images of a conventional infographic.  

Content type #2: Videos 

There’s a world of variety within videos. You can write a whole separate post on different types of videos. No matter what type it is, however, a good video communicates a message in a succinct and memorable way. Done well, a video can be extraordinarily persuasive. 

Things to keep in mind 
  • Making a good video is not cheap. You can start small, of course, but contracting a video specialist or a camera crew can cost quite a bit.
  • Videos aren’t supposed to be long. Two to three minutes is a good length.  

Content type #3: Product Reviews / Article 

A product review can help establish authority and leadership in your industry. Every industry has its unique array of products, software, and services. When you engage key developers, manufacturers, or service providers, you gain recognition and respect. All you need to do is share your experience with the product and provide your recommendation. 

Things to keep in mind 

If the product is a physical item, you may want to have a video component to the review. A video allows you to take a hands-on approach to the product as you review it. 

Content type #4: Podcast/Audio 

Podcasts had their phase of popularity, and they’re still a great form of content. Plus, they’re not hard to create. Many people listen to podcasts during their commute or exercise. You have a chance to spread your message farther and better using this format than a lot of other formats. 

Things to keep in mind 

As with any media publication, be sure to accompany the podcast with content. For example, announce it on your blog with a bit of a discussion. Share information about new podcast releases and provide an overview of the topic. You may even wish to publish the transcript of the podcast. This helps to add SEO value.
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