Post Useful Information to Your Wall
Post Useful Information to Your Wall

What you post to your wall will show up in the news feeds of everyone who has ―Liked‖ your page, just as it does when you post something to your personal profile. 
So, make sure what you’re posting is useful to your fans. Don’t post endless updates about the same thing, and don’t post too many updates, clogging the news feeds of your fans.
Here are some ideas for the kinds of things you might want to post to your wall:
  • Links to articles related to your company or your industry 
  • Links to your blog posts 
  • Coupon codes for fans to save on your products 
  • New product announcements
  • Links to online tools your fans might find useful. 

Again, make sure that your posts are useful. Also, don’t post more than a few times each day unless there’s a special event going on. 
Ask Your Fans Questions 
Getting your fans involved with your page is a great way to inspire loyalty. 
Asking questions in your updates gets people involved, but on their own terms. What you ask depends largely on your product and your niche, but asking open-ended questions usually garners the best responses. Asking opinions on a new product idea or project can be a good way to convince your fans that your company cares about what they want. Getting more engagement on a post may also help you reach the top of the Facebook News Feed. 
Don’t Spam 
Spam is one of the quickest ways to lose fans. If you do nothing but send out promotional blurbs about your company, without ever adding anything of value, then you’re going to have a hard time getting and keeping fans. 
Before you send out any update, ask yourself if it honestly adds value to the conversation. If not, don’t send it. 
Study Your Statistics and Results 
Facebook offers some really great analytics for pages. Pay attention to them. If you see a big surge in fans (or a drop off), look at what you’ve posted recently and see if you can figure out a reason for the trend. Then, post more of that kind of content (or less, if you’re losing fans). 
Targeted Advertising 
Because it gathers so much demographic information about its users, Facebook has one of the best targeted advertising programs online. You can target users based on virtually anything you might find in their profiles, as well as track your success with each segment. 
Ads can be run on a per-impression or per-click basis. Facebook shows you what bids are for ads similar to yours, so you know if your bid is in line with others in your industry. You also can set daily limits so there’s no risk of blowing your budget.
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