How benefit business from sales funnel
How benefit business from sales funnel 

  • A Sales Funnel will increase your sales revenue  
Let’s say you have a report you sell for $17. You can sell it 300 times, so you would make $5100 in sales. But do you think some of them would also buy a related product for $37 or even $197? I bet some would! So it’s is actually crazy to not have a sales funnel in place for your online business. You don’t need all pages up and running from the beginning, but at least plan to have them. 
  • Using a Sales Funnel will increase your conversion rate 
While people are moving down your sales funnel, the number of them will decrease, but, and this is more important, the people staying in the funnel most likely are more willing to pay for your related more expensive products. So non targeted people will be filtered out in the sales funnel. And the ones who stay, will buy more, and this will increase your conversions! Focus your efforts on those people and give them what they need, and you will sell also high ticket products. 
  • A Sales Funnel can also help to predict your sales volume  
Online marketing is a numbers game. And with each marketing phase you can quantify the number of perspective customers, and then take the data to predict the percentage of people who will buy your products. As an example, let’s say Paul tracks his website traffic for 10 weeks and finds that he gets 10’000 visitors to his page each month. 40% of them sign up for the free offer (4000 subscribers), and 5% of them will purchase one or even more products. After some weeks Paul will have detailed stats about how many people buy at which stage in the sales funnel. And with those numbers Paul can predict how much money he can make with his sales funnel. 
  • A Sales Funnel will show you products/services that don’t sell  
With the numbers that Paul gets every month he can identify products or services that do not sell well. So he can make adjustments on his plan and products to improve it, or he can even take out or replace existing products. That’s why it’s always important to track everything you do in your funnel.

What is Sales Funnel?
What is Sales Funnel?

A Sales Funnel is a visual representation of the steps required to sell your products or services. A sales funnel should reveal how many prospects you have in each stage of your sales cycle, and also detail your conversion rates for each stage. Now what steps does your customers go through the sales funnel? Here’s 7 steps that they go through that I got from : Awareness: You make customers aware the you exist Education: Teach customers why they need your product Evaluation: Customer need to make figure out if product/service will benefit Engagement: Prospects got all information, now they need a nudge Commitment: Someone has committed to buying your product Purchase: You just made a sale LoyalFan/Repeat Customer: Trust is built and they become loyal/repeat customers.

Why you should turn articles into slides
Why you should turn articles into slides

Besides more and better traffic, what other reasons are there to turn articles into slides? Here are some:
  • It’s easy. You’ve already done the exhausting brainwork of research, writing, development, and explanation.
  •  It’s fast. It’s easy to waste time making slide presentations from scratch. If you have a presentation template and some handy images, it doesn’t take too long to place your article into a slide presentation.
  • It has a high ROI. Considering the time that you spend flipping an article into a presentation, you’re getting a massive return on your investment.
  • It produces traffic from a different source. SlideShare visitors may not be familiar with your brand or product. Delivering content via SlideShare is a great way to access new sources of traffic.
  • It offers searchable discovery. SlideShare users often search for their preferred topic using SlideShare’s search bar or categories. The content they see is the content they want. The advantage for you is targeted and relevant traffic.

Article writing and Optimization of Article for Search

1. Post Title and Meta Title 

First, you need to understand the difference between post title and meta title. 

  • Post title: How your reader sees the title of the post on your website. 
  • Post meta title: How search engines show your post in search results. 

If you have not specified a meta title in your SEO settings, your post title will be treated as the meta title. 

  • It is important to have your keywords in the meta title. 

Pro Tip: Keep your post titles less than 66 characters. 

2. Post Meta Description 

All of the most popular SEO plugging allow you to add meta descriptions to a post. These descriptions play a major role in search engine ranking. 

Think of a meta description as a sales copy for your blog post: 

  • In 156 characters, you need to add your keywords and create a description that is seductive enough for users to click on it. 

If you have not added meta descriptions in the past, you should start doing it immediately.

Meta descriptions are very important. 

You should go back to any of your previously published posts which do not have a meta description and add one. 

By optimizing your post meta descriptions, you are ensuring that every post you write has the potential to drive a maximum amount of traffic to your site. 

Google sees every blog post as a different web page so you can rank every post for certain keywords.
Meta descriptions are great places to put keywords. 

3. Image Alt Attribute

Google can’t read images. 
  • Text is how Google recognizes an image.
To ensure that search engines can understand what an image is about, you must be sure to use proper image names. 

Many people make the mistake of uploading images with names like image001.jpg. 

  • This is a huge mistake! 

When naming an image, keep the name relevant to image itself. 

For example, if you take a screenshot of an AdSense dashboard, and you name the image “AdSense”, it will not be targeted. Instead, you need to use a name like “AdSense- dashboard”. 

4. Interlink and Anchor Text 

When writing a new post, it’s always a good idea to link back to old blog posts so that readers will stick around your site for longer and also so that search engines can re-crawl these old posts.
This helps in better navigability of your site which reduces the bounce rate- another important SEO factor. 

When you interlink, you should use the anchor text technique.
Simply put, when you link to a blog post, you see an option to add a link and a title.
Make sure to fill out the post title with the main keywords for the post that you are linking to.

5. Permalinks: Remove stop words

When we write a post, our post titles usually come with lots of stop words.
So for example, when we write a post with the title:
  • 3 Ways to Make a Blog Business Plan
Our post permalink, by default, would be: 

“To” and “a“ are stop words in the example above. 

You can click on edit permalink and change the permalink to “blog-business-plan”, thus eliminating the stop words. 

  • Important Note: Never change your post permalink once the post is published. 

6. H1, H2, H3 Headings

We use the Thesis post styling feature to create the style of our blog posts.
This is fine, but we must not ignore one of the most important aspects of SEO:

  • Using proper H1, H2, and H3 heading tags.
By default, in any SEO-optimized theme, the post title uses an H1 heading tag. So for the next sub-heading, you can use an H2 heading, and then an H3 heading, and so on. 

It is always a good idea to use proper heading tags for effective SEO writing, especially when you are writing a long post. 

According to the SEO community, it’s a good idea to use your keywords in H1, H2, and H3 tags.

Article Structure Development
Article Structure Development

Rather than go in-depth on each aspect of structure and flow, this post shows you how to format an article that flows well and is properly structured. 

# Article Title: Anatomy of an Article 

To write a great article demands that you observe the correct structure and construct it in a way that flows well. To accomplish this, it is essential that you conduct research, choose your paragraph subheadings wisely, write at least two body paragraphs and tie things in a nice, neat bow with a conclusion that summarizes and sometimes provides supplemental information. Keep reading to learn this process. 

# Research 

Conduct research before you write a single word. Once you know about what you intend to write specifically, develop a loose outline – whether it is in your head or written down makes no difference. When you embark on writing without any thought to the order in which you intend to present material, it shows with material that comes across as random and unfocused. 

# Write the introduction 

With your outline nailed down and your focus intact, you are ready to introduce your readers to the topic. In general terms, tell them about what you are going to write. Think of it in terms of how you act when you first meet someone new; you say who you are, shake hands and say something general about yourself. Never introduce something in the intro that you do not intend to address in the body paragraphs. 

# Develop paragraph subheadings 

Before actually writing your body paragraphs, develop paragraph subheadings that give your readers a clue about what they are going to read. Paragraph subheadings should stay relatively short, and when possible, make them witty and engaging. Make sure to use the proper punctuation for paragraph subheadings by writing them with sentence case, meaning only the first word is capitalized. In addition, sentence case dictates that no punctuation is included at the end of the subheadings. 

# Build the body paragraphs 

Once you have developed paragraph subheadings, you are ready to write the body paragraphs; these are the meat of your article. Here, you provide detailed information that flushes out the purpose of the article. Essentially, this is where you tell readers what you said you were going to tell them in the introduction, only with far more detail. Avoid writing exceptionally long paragraphs, as this discourages readers from actually reading what you write. For a good article, you should have at least two body paragraphs with a minimum of two sentences each. 

# Create flow with smooth transitions 

Even with paragraph subheadings, your article should flow with a smooth transition from one paragraph to the next. If you did not already notice the flow within this article, look at the first sentence of each new paragraph. To lead into the next subject, the subject previously discussed is mentioned. How you do this is entirely a personal decision, but providing a transition from one paragraph to the next greatly increases the readability of your article as well as its overall flow. 

# Write the conclusion 

You have smoothly transitioned your way to the conclusion, which is the easiest part of an article to write. Close with a brief summary of what you just told readers. Provide information or suggestions for further investigation or include a few additional suggestions your readers can use to learn on their own. Avoid going too far off topic, though, and stay concise. Doing so ensures your well-written article stays that way through the very last word. 

To ensure your articles are well written, you must remember the basic tenant of structure: tell readers what you are going to write, write it in the body paragraph and write it again in the conclusion in a summarized fashion. Do the proper research, utilize paragraph subheadings, write relevant and informative body paragraphs and wrap things up nicely with a conclusive paragraph. Through it all, transition well and create a flow that enhances readability. If you follow these guidelines, you are sure to write one great article after another.

SEO Tools and Resources
SEO Tools and Resources

SEO is a multi-million dollar industry. The good news is that you don’t need to invest thousands in SEO services. In fact, learning the basics of SEO and executing a well-thought strategy in many cases is enough to get results you’re looking for. 
Below are a few tools and resources to help you with the SEO on your site or your client’s - 
# Keyword Planner 
Keyword Planner is a tool that provides keyword ideas and traffic estimates to help you build a Search Network campaign. Below are the features of Keyword Planner tool -
  • Search for keyword and ad groups ideas based on terms that describe your product or service, your website, or a product category related to what you're advertising. You can also enter or upload a list of keywords. And you can multiply two or more lists of keywords to create a new list that combines your keywords.
  • Get historical statistics, like the number of times people have searched for a keyword or how competitive that keyword is.
  • You can also get traffic estimates, like how many clicks and impressions your keywords might get for given bid and budget amounts. 
# Google Analytics  
Google Analytics is one of the best analytic trackers available. GA will show you exactly who visited your website, their location, what device they were using, on which web browser, and so forth. 
Even better, GA is absolutely free – all you have to do is install the tracking code on your website. And, of course, sign up for a Google account (if you don’t already have one). 
# Google Webmaster Tools 
This is another fantastic and free service from the Google team. 
Webmaster Tools has various features, including monitoring your site’s ranking in the SERPs. Oftentimes it can be used along with Google Analytics. (They have information sharing features.) 
# Open Site Explorer (Ose) 
OSE is a popular premium backlink checker that allows you to analyze the backlinks of any given website. 
OSE is comparable to majesticSEO, but what I really like about OSE is that you can see all the domains that are linking to a website without having to upgrade to the premium version. 
# Yoast Seo Plugin For Wordpress Users 
WordPress is a content management system that powers nearly 20% of the entire web.  
While there are hundreds of SEO plugins available, in my humble opinion the best plugin for SEO is the WordPress SEO by Yoast. This helpful plugin allows you to write SEO optimized posts and pages across your WP site.

Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization 

SEO stands for ''search engine optimization''. It is the process of getting traffic from the "free", "organic", "editorial" or "natural" search results on search engines.  
All major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. Payment isn’t involved, as it is with paid search ads.  
What Should You Learn?  
# Relevance 
One of the most important factors when it comes to SEO is relevance. The search engines don’t only want to see that you’re using specific keywords but it also wants to see how relevant your content is when it comes to specific search queries. 
In order to do this, search engines don’t only look at the text on your website itself. They also look at: 
  • How your website is structured
  • What keywords are used within your URL
  • How your page is formatted
  • What keywords are in the headline that are also found within the content of that given page 
# Backlink 
When it comes to SEO, keep in mind that it is constantly changing. As a result, the techniques that worked last month might get you penalized this month. 
However, one thing that all search engines will rely upon is authority AKA, the number of backlinks that you have. Therefore, contrary to what you might hear, SEO still relies heavily on links. 
Search engines will determine just how credible and authoritative a website’s content is simply by calculating the number of inbound links that you have from other websites. (By the way, an inbound link is a link pointing to your site from a 3rd party site.) 
However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the more backlinks you have the higher rankings you will get. 
Search engines also look at how authoritative these other websites are linking to you. Meaning a link coming from the New York Times is a lot more authoritative than one coming from a little website that was created a few days ago. 
There are other components, such as what anchor text is being used (this is the text inside the a tag) to link to your website and how old your domain is. 
# Technology 
Even if you have perfect site content, URLs, and strong inbound links —your internal structure is important. 
Think about it: in order for Google to crawl your site and index it properly, it has to have semantic HTML. 
# Meta Tags 
Meta tags are nothing more than HTML markup tags that give search engines more information about a web page. 
However, this information is not visible to viewers of the site. Instead, it is written to assist search engines in understanding a web page.
Meta tags are placed inside the head element in a web page and contain a name and content attributes. For example, the meta tag for this post that you reading could be: meta name="description" content="SEO for programmers". 
Meta tags are one of the most important aspects on a web page because they give search engines a short description about the page. In addition to the description meta tag, there is a meta robots tag and the title tag. 
# Schema Markup 
Schema markup is one of those SEO techniques that you will seldom hear about, but it can be one of the most effective techniques for getting quality traffic. 
Schema markup is code you can put in your website’s HTML that will help the search engines understand exactly what the information on your website means. It then helps the search engines to return more useful results to the user.