How can I optimize my fan page for EdgeRank?
How can I optimize my fan page for EdgeRank

It's hard to trick an algorithm into thinking that your content is interesting. It's much easier to rewrite your content so your fans leave more likes and comments. 
Take your stodgy press releases, and turn them into questions that compel your fans to engage. 
Here's some examples: 
  • "Click 'like' if you're excited that we just released our iPad app."
  • "Fill-in-the-blank: All I want for Christmas is ___. Our latest Christmas special is X."
  • "Yes/No: I brushed my teeth last night. We just announed a new brand of toothpaste."
  • "On a scale of 1-10, I think Obama is a great president. Watch this video of our CEO shaking hands with Obama."
All those likes and comments will increase the Affinity Score between each fan and your page, boosting how many fans see your status updates in their newsfeed.
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